Date and Time
Thursday Jul 25, 2024
11:15 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
Thursday, July 25, 2024
Registration at 11:15AM
Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center
1001 Amber Avenue
Stevens Point, WI 54482
Open to the public $33.00/Members Registration deadline: Friday, July 19, 2024
$38.00/Prospective Members
If online registration is closed and you would like to register, please call our office at 715-344-1940 to check on availability.
Contact Information
Karen Myers (715-344-1940)
Send Email
WOMEN IN BUSINESS LUNCHEON - Thursday, July 25, 2024
This Women in Business event is sponsored by J.H. Findorff & Son Inc. The event provides an opportunity for women in the Central Wisconsin area to network safely, talk about issues that affect their daily professional lives, learn something new and have fun doing it. This event will includes a delicious lunch, complimentary swag bag, door prizes, 50/50 raffle and great networking. Women in Business is open to the public.
Thursday, July 25, 2024
11:15AM to 1:00PM
Master of Ceremonies: Mikala Hall, Radio Personality from Midwest Communications
Location: Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center, 1001 Amber Avenue, Stevens Point, WI
Special Guest Speaker is Katie Leinenkugel, presenting "Six Generations of Wisconsin Brewing History”
About Katie's Presentation: Katie will share the background and history of Wisconsin’s 157-year-old brewery, the Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company. Throughout the years, innovation has played a major role in keeping their brewery going, especially in the last 30 years. Women have played an interesting role in her family and brewery’s history and it’s possible they wouldn’t still be around if it weren’t for some pretty spectacular females. Katie will also talk about the biggest challenges facing Leinenkugel’s today.
About our Speaker: Katie is a 6th generation member of the Leinenkugel Family. Katie first joined MillerCoors back in 2007 as a retail coordinator for the Leinie Lodge at Milwaukee’s Summerfest. She earned a BA in Journalism from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities in 2010 and swiftly moved away from the cold weather of the north to Dallas, Texas. Katie taught 1st grade for two years as part of the Teach for America program. After her two years of teaching she became a vice principal and then principal of an elementary school during which time she earned a Masters in Educational Leadership from Southern Methodist University and an MBA from the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin. Katie moved back to Milwaukee to work in marketing for Leinenkugel’s. After 3 years on the brand team, she moved into sales for the Molson Coors portfolio working with distributor partners. Katie has most recently accepted a role managing Molson Coors’ Commercial Development Xploration Program. During her free time, Katie can be found enjoying cold beers at her family’s lake house in Eagle River, cooking, biking, reading, or spending time with her only nephew, an Australian Shepherd named Clifford.
Delicious Lunch - Classic Caeser Salad with romaine lettuce, grilled chicken, croutons, Caesar dressing, shaved parmesan cheese, rolls, iced tea, water with lemon wedge and Grandma's biscuit with fresh strawberries for dessert.
(Vegetarian or Gluten Free Options available only upon request)
11:15AM - Registration
11:30AM - Welcome
11:35AM - Lunch Served
12:15PM - Special Guest Speaker
12:45PM - Door Prize Giveaways
1:00PM - Closing
Please contact Karen Myers at 715-344-1940 or karenm@portagecountybiz.com if you have ideas or requests for speakers or topics.
Click on the pictures below from our 2023 event. Please note that pictures are taken at our events and if you opt out of your image being used to promote the event and the Portage County Business Council please contact us. Thank you!
Special thanks to J.H. Findorff & Son Inc for their Sponsorship of the event.