Date and Time
Thursday Mar 20, 2025
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
11:45AM to 1:00PM
Portage County Business Council Office
5501 Vern Holmes Drive
Stevens Point, WI 54482
If online registration is closed and you would like to register, please call our office at 715-344-1940 to check on availability.
Contact Information
Karen Myers 715-344-1940
Send Email

Attend our Leads Meeting
Thursday, March 20 - Reservations Required by Tuesday, March 18
Looking to meet - get to know - network - refer business - share leads and/or sales tips - build relationships with other businesses?
The Portage County Business Council invites you to attend our SalesNet meeting on Thursday, March 20 from 11:45AM to 1:00PM. Meeting is available to the first 15 people that register.
We may or may not have community leads to share, but we can share effective sales tips, ways to stay connected with your clients, what is going well and what is not, what have you learned, etc.
Location of Meeting
Portage County Business Council office, 5501 Vern Holmes Drive, Stevens Point, WI 54482
$13.00/person. Buffet meal will consist of Country French Baguette (Ham, Brie, Apple & Dijon on a Sourdough Baguette), Potato Chips, Pickle Spear, Cookies for Dessert, and soda or bottled water. Lunch is prepared by Rockman's Catering.
Lunch payment here with credit card. Any cancellation to the meeting will be needed prior to 10AM on Tuesday, March 18, otherwise lunch payment will still be expected.
What is SalesNet?
A sales-oriented group comprised of area sales professionals and business owners, meeting once a month to share referrals, leads and sales tips.
Guest Speaker - Alane Flora, Hospice Care Consultant for Moments Hospice
Alane will be presenting "Navigating Your Healthcare Options".
What to Expect Day of Meeting
1. Open Networking
2. Welcome by Karen Myers from the Portage County Business Council
3. Pass business cards
4. Attendees introduce themselves and share what they feel is if a bona-fide referral
5. Attendees share referrals and/or leads with group
6. Portage County Business Council new member investor report shared
7. Guest speaker presentation (10-15 minutes)
8. Close meeting
The Goal
SalesNet is designed to provide a non-competitive atmosphere in which business relationships can develop into a referral network for the benefit of all members.