Revels Consulting & Coaching
Leadership & Personal/Professional Growth Coach, HR Consultant, Executive/Professional RecruiterLeadership & Personal/Professional Growth Coach, HR Consultant, Executive/Professional Recruiter
Portage County Business Council, Inc.
The Portage County Business Council is the recognized leader in strengthening Portage County's quality of life by promoting a business climate that encourages growth and stability.The Portage County Business Council is the recognized leader in strengthening Portage County's quality of life by promoting a business climate that encourages growth and stability.
Exceling Your Business, LLC
Gain ease, control, and freedom in running your business so that you can see your child score their first soccer goal!Gain ease, control, and freedom in running your business so that you can see your child score their first soccer goal!
Shifting Perspectives Coaching and Consulting
Wendy Mitch founded ''Shifting Perspectives: Coaching and Consulting'' after 30 years of facilitating hundreds of trainings and workshops to help others shift their perspective.Wendy Mitch founded ''Shifting Perspectives: Coaching and Consulting'' after 30 years of facilitating hundreds of trainings and workshops to help others shift their perspective.