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Protect Your Joints: Aspirus Health Warns That Excess Weight Poses Serious Risks


“It leads to increased joint pressure, similar to how heavy loads wear down tires on a vehicle.” 


UPPER PENINSULA, Mich. – In recognition of Bone & Joint Week (October 12-20), Aspirus Health is raising awareness about how excess weight impacts joint health and offering practical advice for those looking to protect their joints through healthy lifestyle changes. Maintaining joint health is critical, especially for individuals carrying excess weight, which can increase stress on joints and lead to conditions like osteoarthritis. 


“Excess weight has a significant impact on our joints, particularly our weight-bearing joints like the hips and knees,” says Cynthia Rubert, MD, FAAOS, Orthopedic Surgeon at Aspirus Health. “It leads to increased joint pressure, similar to how heavy loads wear down tires on a vehicle. Over time, this pressure causes joint wear and eventually, joint destruction.” 


Excess weight increases mechanical stress on the joints and alters biomechanics. These changes contribute to further joint issues. 


“Patients with obesity often have gait changes, such as a wider stance or turned-out feet,” Dr. Rubert adds. “These changes place more stress on certain areas of the joints, particularly the inside of the knee, leading to progressive cartilage loss and osteoarthritis.” 


The effects of excess weight extend beyond the joints. Weight-related joint pain can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, further weakening muscles and decreasing bone density. Additionally, fat cells release inflammatory proteins that contribute to chronic inflammation, impacting both joint and soft tissue health, even in non-weight-bearing joints like the hands. 


While weight loss medications have become increasingly popular, Dr. Rubert emphasizes the importance of prioritizing sustainable lifestyle changes first. 


“Movement is key. Keep moving,” she advises. “If running is painful, consider walking, swimming, or water aerobics. These activities place less stress on the joints while maintaining muscle strength and flexibility.” 


A balanced diet is also critical for joint health, as many individuals with obesity are malnourished. 


“It’s important to focus on proteins, vegetables, and fruits while reducing sugars and carbohydrates. Working with a health care provider can ensure patients receive the nutrients they need,” Dr. Rubert says. “We recommend lifestyle changes first because they’re long-lasting and help improve recovery after surgeries. Weight loss medications can be considered in certain cases, but they come with risks and unknown long-term effects.” 


Experts recommend consulting an orthopedic specialist if joint pain or discomfort interferes with your daily activities, persists for more than a few weeks, or if you experience a noticeable decrease in your range of motion. 


Aspirus Health provides advanced orthopedic care, including services from board-certified orthopedic surgeons and dedicated physical therapists, to help you regain mobility and enhance your quality of life. Visit today to learn how we can support your journey toward improved joint health. 

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