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UW-Stevens Point student radio station to host World’s Largest Trivia Contest

WWSP 90FM’s annual 54-hour trivia contest returns for its 55th year at the University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point with “Trivia 55: NO LIMIT” April 11-13.


Trivia has been offered from the WWSP 90FM headquarters at UW-Stevens Point’s Communication Arts Center, 1101 Reserve St., Stevens Point, since 1970. Teams must register at the station Monday through Thursday, April 8-11, between 3-7 p.m. or on Friday, April 12, between noon-6 p.m. Out-of-town teams will find forms and information at


“The theme for the 2025 World’s Largest Trivia Contest is a look back at how the past envisioned the future. This retro-future theme showcases stunning visuals that make you wish the future imagined by the past were possible,” said Dave Coulthurst, 90FM trivia coordinator.


On-site registration is $40 per team, with proceeds benefiting the general maintenance of the radio station and scholarships for its student volunteers and staff. Trivia-themed merchandise, such as shirts, hats and mugs, will be available for purchase during registration and on the website. Contest festivities will kick off with showings of a surprise film and a parade of teams through the UW-Stevens Point campus.


The Trivia kickoff movie will be offered on Friday, April 4, and Saturday April 5 at 10 p.m. at Rogers Cinema, 2725 Church St., Stevens Point. Admission is $3 at the door. Doors open at 9:30 p.m.


The Trivia parade will begin on Maria Drive north of campus at 4 p.m. Friday, April 11, with questions beginning at 6 p.m. The Trivia contest will be played until midnight, Sunday, April 13. For more information on the parade route and how to register visit


Eight trivia questions will air each hour, giving teams two songs worth of time to call in with the correct answer and score points. Two ongoing questions will challenge players to venture into the community to find the answers, while music montage and scavenger-hunt-style questions will also feature throughout the weekend. The top teams will earn trophies and bragging rights.


Teams from around the world will spend the entire weekend putting their knowledge, observation skills and reflexes to the test. With teams ranging from experienced veterans who've been playing since 1970 to newcomers just starting this year, the trivia contest is a chance for family and friends to reunite, have fun answering quirky questions and create lasting memories along with earning points.


WWSP is one of the largest student-run radio stations in the Midwest and was recently recognized as one of the best student broadcasting organizations in the state by the Wisconsin Broadcasters Association.

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